The Science Gallery features Sober lab members’ research images in an new exhibition

Sep 14, 2024 - The Science Gallery features Sober lab members’ research images in an new exhibition
Dr. Amanda Jacob, research scientist in the Sober lab, and a team of artists, musicians and research scientists have explored the brain's amazing ability to change, particularly with respect to attitudes and actions to protect our planet, in a new exhibition at the Science Gallery. The centerpiece of the exhibition entitled "Thermal Reverberations" is a large polygonal brain sculpture covered with lenticular images that change as viewers move around it, symbolizing the brain's adaptability. Amanda Jacob, Will McCallum, Abi Grassler, Kyle Thomas and Leila Pascual all contributed images that were incorporated into the sculpture. This exhibit is part of the Resilient Earth collection and is on view from Sept 2024 - April 2025.