Working closely with other neurophysiologists, theorists, and engineers is essential to our cross-disciplinary research program. Our collaborators include the following research groups.

Atlanta Area Collaborators

Collaborators Beyond Atlanta

COMPERE image from video

Collaboration on Motor Planning, Execution and Resilience (COMPERE)

To understand movement – how it is learned, how it is executed, and why it fails after injury or disease – we must understand neural input to muscles, which are ultimately responsible for all motor actions like reaching, running, and speaking. We aim to shed new light on real-world movement by openly developing and collaboratively using technologies that measure muscle activity at unprecedented resolution and scale. This collaborative network is generously supported by the Azrieli Foundation.

COMPERE is seeking partners to further develop and use our electrode technology to achieve fundamental advances in sensorimotor neuroscience in both research and clinical settings.

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Center for Advanced Motor BioEngineering and Research (CAMBER)

The mission of CAMBER is to create and disseminate next-generation tools for investigating motor control. We have created high-density electrode devices (“Myomatrix arrays”) that record muscle activity at high resolution across a wide range of muscles, species and behavior (Chung et al., 2023).

Supported by a U24 grant from the National Institutes of Health, CAMBER will provide Myomatrix arrays to the global research community, with the goal of a broad and equitable dissemination of our technology. In addition to the devices themselves, CAMBER will provide online resources to support users with surgical implantation of Myomatrix devices and data analysis needed to collect and interpret high-resolution muscle recordings.

See the CAMBER website for more information and to request EMG electrodes.

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Flexible EMG arrays with integrated electronics for scalable electrode density
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