Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

(he, him)
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Ph.D. Candidate; Biomedical Engineering, Emory University and Georgia Tech
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology

Research Interests

Matt Williams’ research is focussed on designing cutting-edge microelectrode arrays (MEA’s) for minimally-invasive detection and analysis of motor-unit action potentials, the smallest unit of neuromuscular control. Matt uses these devices to understand the neural coding underlying skilled movements by implementing them in a skilled forelimb task in awake, (mostly) behaving mice.

Key Papers

Anschutz et al 2024 Figure 2
Flexible EMG arrays with integrated electronics for scalable electrode density
Anschutz PM, Zia M, Lu J, Williams MJ, Jacob AL, Sober SJ, Bakir MS. BioRxiv preprint 2024.07. 02.601782 (2024) [PDF] [DOI]
Chung et al 2023 figure 1
Myomatrix arrays for high-definition muscle recording
Chung B, Zia M, Thomas KA, Michaels JA, Jacob A, Pack A, Williams MJ, Nagapudi K, Teng LH, Arrambide E, Ouellette L, Oey N, Gibbs R, Anschutz P, Lu J, Wu Y, Kashefi M, Oya T, Kersten R, Mosberger AC, O'Connell S, Wang R, Marques H, Mendes AR, Lenschow C, Kondakath G, Kim JJ, Olson W, Quinn KN, Perkins P, Gatto G, Thanawalla A, Coltman S, Kim T, Smith T, Binder-Markey B, Zaback M, Thompson CK, Giszter S, Person A, Goulding M, Azim E, Thakor N, O'Connor D, Trimmer B, Lima SQ, Carey MR, Pandarinath. ELife 12:RP88551 (2023) [PDF] [DOI]


Accessing populations of motor units
Kirk EA, Sauerbrei BA. eLife 2024;13:e94764. (2024) [PDF] [DOI]
Lu et al 2022 Fig 2
High-performance Flexible Microelectrode Array with PEDOT:PSS Coated 3D Micro-cones for Electromyographic Recording
Lu J, Zia M, Williams MJ, Jacob AL, Chung B, Sober SJ, Bakir MS. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2022:5111-5114 (2022) [PDF] [DOI]